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The Way the Artist Sees Things:

From left to right, great books with memorable cover art. The second image is taken from Lloyd Alexander's The Book of Three, with artwork by Jean-Leon Huens. Rowena Quadflieg provides the art for The Neverending Story. Unfortunately, I've yet to find the name of the artist for the above edition of A Swiftly Tilting Planet (this is the version of the cover that I remember the most from my childhood in the early 1980s).

I'm not sure what the new normal for the world will be, but over the course of the last few weekends, I've undertaken a few mini-adventures to some of the local small towns near Atlanta. For the most part, everyone still seems to be socially distancing (which is good). A few restaurants and coffee houses are open. On a recent trip to Covington, GA, after a quick stop for cheesecake (shout out to Bread and Butter Coffee), I sketched the town courthouse and the Mystic Grill. Apparently a fair number of films and television shows were shot in and around Covington, such as the original Halloween 2 and The Vampire Diaries. It's such a strange time for the U.S. right now and the world in general. In a way, it provides a unique perspective. Especially as an artist, it's as if I'm observing the world as if it were encased in a time capsule:

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