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The Open Door Policy

A couple of weeks ago, my partner and I were turned away from someone’s house for Christmas dinner. The identity of the someone in question isn’t important. What matters, and what stuck with me: It seemed like high school all over again … or a plotline from Grace and Frankie or The Help. It was an awful thing that happened, especially considering that it was Christmas time, and turning people away isn’t exactly in keeping with the holiday spirit. And above all, I hate that it was done out of ignorance and in the guise of religion.

Over the last few days, I’ve often thought, “How do you combat this type of deep-rooted hatefulness?” Every now and then I laugh, because I think of something that one of my favorite actresses, Whoopi Goldberg, has mentioned on occasion (and of course, I’m paraphrasing): “If you don’t like gay sex, then don’t have sex with a gay person.” There. Problem solved. Of course, in all seriousness, the solution runs deeper than that. The ultimate solution is education and worldliness, whether it be through reading or going out into the world and meeting others who are different. The book that I just published, Portraits of Familiar Strangers, at its heart, brings the dilemma of ignorance vs. acceptance to the forefront. Hopefully it will be read and enjoyed by many. So, to the unnamed someone that turned us away … your door may have been closed, but mine is open. It always will be. And I’m about to open many more. Portraits of Familiar Strangers is available now from Amazon.

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